Historic Buildings & Landscape

Conservation & Restoration

Groundworks - Building and Restoration Services


All of our projects incorporate elements of groundworks, be they for foundations, drainage, water & or electrical supply. ​We can cater for all your project needs and will always advise you as to the most practical solution.

Brickwork Building and Restoration

Brickwork - Professional, Beautiful Walls

Most of our projects incorporate brickwork. ​We can cater for all your project needs and will always advise you as to the most practical and beautiful solution. ​We are proud of our built heritage, and are very well versed in the intricacies of creating beautiful walls, including the correct stock, mortar mix, appropriate bond, bed and perp sizes.

Stonework Building and Restoration

Stonework - Walls & Terracing

A large portion of our projects incorporate stonework, be it inset in walls or patios and paths, to focal points and complete walls.​ We can cater for all your project needs and will always advise you as to the most practical and beautiful solution.

Timber Fences, Terraces and Walls

Timber Structures - Decking

Most projects have an element of timberwork, be they for fencing, pergolas, decking or gates. Many different timbers are practical for use externally. 

Timber Fences, Terraces and Walls


Not all projects have an element of ironwork, but where there is, we do our best to incorporate it in the most elegant manner.

Building & Restoration Services

Contact Us

+44 (0)1243 200247
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Historic Buildings and Landscape

Conservation & Restoration

East Sussex, West Sussex, Surrey and Hampshire
Sussex Heritage Awards

Sussex Heritage Awards

Sussex Heritage Awards