Brickwork & Flintwork/ Restoration/ Conservation
This generally involves the removal of later inappropriate Portland cement/NHL repairs and pointing which are the root cause of most damage. Once removed, our analysis allows us to recreate the closest possible match to the original mortars and masonry to safeguard the structures for the future.
- Design and specification
- Masonry identification and matching service
- Lime mortar identification and matching
- Contract services
Stone work Restoration/Conservation
With our expert masons we can provide the following services. Often the key to preventive works is managing the impact of environmental factors, including the removal of moss, algae’s and vegetation all of which may harbour moisture and exacerbate decay.
- Analysis and surveying
- Design and specification
- Identification and matching service
- Lime mortar identification and matching
- Contract services
Landscape Services
- Design and specification
- Historic landscape appraisal and restoration
- Planting design
- Contract administration and site supervision
- Landscape management and maintenance plans
- Grey water recycling and rain water harvesting
- Design of drought tolerant planting
- Sustainable drainage systems, permeable paving
- Reduction of runoff into mains drains and sewers
- Waste minimisation measures
- Ethical sourcing of hard landscape materials
- Low carbon lighting, energy controls and management
- Irrigation-intelligent control
- Lakes and ponds
- Material movements
- Enabling works
- Reinforced concrete walls, floors and basements
- Infrastructure and drainage and services